Spiritual Mentabolism

"Heaven is not located on high, but where the good of love is, and this resides within a person, wherever he or she might be."
[Arcana Coelestia 8153 ; Emanuel Swedenborg]

"Heaven is where the Lord is recognized, trusted, and loved. The different ways He is worshiped do not cause harm but bring benefit, because they are a source of heaven's perfection."
[Heaven and Hell 56 ; Emanuel Swedenborg]

[Angel image]


There is a GOD who loves you
and created you to become an Angel;
first here on the earth, and thereby forever in Heaven.

Internal site pages in research and episodic development.

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"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know:
The only ones among you who will be truly happy
are those who have sought and found how to serve."
--Albert Schweitzer

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